Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Assignment 1: Birth of the pony pt.1

First time attepting sketchup was far less dramatic than i inticipated. The first sketchup model proved to be a testing ground for theory and also form along side. Formally, it is robust and frankly quite grotesque. However, its the most important model as it utilises and displays my initial form design and experimentation.

The first design spark came from the idea of the tower as a direction of tradectory. Using the tower as also a timeline for my character, i could 'map' out her journey through form. She had a rough start to life is represented in this tower, through to a 'lauching' of form, symbolic to her turnaround in lifestyle.

The highlight of this model is the fenestration that wraps itself into the upper storey and support the desk.

The next model was in fact a card model. Here i just let lose in form making. However i still was captivated by the whole 'tower of tradectory' and this model was an advancement of the same idea.

The idea was this crashing tower, smashing her past away, bit like a tennis ball in water.

Part 2 next

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